We live in a society today that is saturated with and encouraging every possible sexual immoral act for adults and children, with transgenderism being the most recent identity taught to our children. What is going on? When did we start to lose our virtue? In order to answer these questions, we must take a look back at one key component in this moral decline and that is sex education. May Christians today believe that we need to educate our kids in sex and if not sex education; then abstinence education would be a healthy alternative. In this course we will learn that origins of both the sex education and abstinence movement, the trends of where thos movements are going and most importantly, what does God's Word say about who should be teaching our children and what should they be taught?
This course is under copyright © by The Matthew XVIII Group and Audrey Werner 2019
"When I entered the classroom in May, I really had no expectation other than making a step to fast track my graduation. All of the courses I have taken at MISD have been fascinating and challenging in their own way. This course, however, has been life changing for me and the way in which I look at the church, the world and culture in general. Satan has brilliantly used God's gift given for pleasure and enjoyment between one man and one woman in a committed marital relationship for life as a stronghold that has eroded our society. Slowly, but surely, Satan has infilitrated the culture at large and the church with false ideas about identity, love and marriage."
- John Chisham
South Dakota, USA
"This class changed my view of Sex Education and make me realize that God's plan has to be implemented by sound Biblical doctrine. As a follower of Christ, it is my responsibility to bring to the forefront the necessity of a new Passion for Purity."
- Ilona Smiling
Belize, Central America
"The lecture presentation by Professor Werner was an eye opener for me and one that I will continue to mull over in my mind. As a result of taking this course taught by Professor Werner, I have started teaching my Secondary School students about how God wants them to be chaste. I have done this before but mow it is with renewed fervor as I am now aware of the clandestine actions of men and women with hidden agends wanting to destroy this generation and the next."
- Steven Lambert
St Lucia, West Indies
"This course has impacted my life in a positive way and has ignited a fire in me to combat the effects of the sexual revolution by focusing on God's life process through the education of training children in Biblical purity. I highly recommend the course to every minister and parent."
- Jana Tuttle
Texas, USA