Family Watch International

Purple For Parents United

Moms for Liberty

Moms for America

War On Children / Stop CSE (Comprehensive Sex Education)

RSVP America 

Family Research Council

First Principles Press 

Institute For Media Education  / Dr. Judith Reisman

Concerned Women for America 

Wingmen Ministries 

Wall Builders Ministry

Titus 2 For Life 

Growing Families USA 

Train Up a Child

Protect Child Health Coalition


Click here for resources on Kinsey.

America’s Godly Heritage

America’s Godly Heritage” – DVD – Wall Builders Ministry

"Endowed by Their Creator: A Collection of Historic American Military Prayers 1774"- First Principles Press

Original Historical Documents/Letters/Laws – Wall Builders Ministry

Church of the Holy Trinity vs. the United States – RSVP America

"The Rewriting of America’s History" – by Catherine Millard and D. James Kennedy

"America’s God and Country" – by William J. Federer

"Noah Webster’s Dictionary of 1828"– by Noah Webster

"Monumental:  In Search of America’s National Treasure" – DVD – by Kirk Cameron

Purity Instruction for Children and Pre-Teen

”Protecting the Innocence of Childhood”– DVD Series – Growing Families Life

“God, Mom and Me Tea” – program available through National Abstinence Clearinghouse (NAC)

"The Princess and The Kiss" – by Jennie Bishop

"The Squire and The Scroll" – by Jennie Bishop

"The Miracle of Life" – by Ami M. Loper

"The Miracle of Change"  – by Ami M. Loper

"The Mission:  Boy to Man " – by Tim and Ami Loper

"The Body Matters" Series – Tobet Press

"I Don’t Have to Choose" – by Ellie Klipp

"The Black & White Puppy;  A Story about the Biology of Love" – by Miriam Grossman, MD

"I Said No!  A kid to kid guide to keeping private parts private" – by Zack and Kimberly King

Teenage Resources

The Chastity Project Purity Pack (Chastity program for students)

"Purity Challenge: Training Youth in the Battle for Purity" – by Mike Cleveland with Nathan and Jena Wellls

"Emotional Purity: An Affair of the Heart" – by Heather Arnel Paulsen

"Every Young Man’s Battle" Workbook – by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker

"Thoughts for Young Men" – by J.C. Ryle

"Of Knights and Fair Maidens"– by Jeff & Danielle Myers

"Secret Keeper: The Delicate Power of Modesty" – by Dannah Gresh

"The Purity Principle" - by Randy Alcorn

"Love is NOT a Three Letter Word" – by Mike G. Williams

Resources for Parents

"10 Tips on How NOT to Talk to Your Kids about Sex" - by Audrey Werner, RN

"Sex…According to God" – by Kay Arthur (Later renamed "The Truth About Sex")

"Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free"- by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

"The Power of a Praying Parent" – by Stormie Omartin

"Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America" – by Jeff Pollard  

"Epidemic:  How Teen Sex is Killing Our Kids" – by Dr. Meg Meekers24px

"The Dating Trap" – by Martha Ruppert

"How a Man Prepares His Daughter for Life" – by Michael Farris

"Reforming Marriage" – by Douglas Wilson

"Praying for America" – by Dutch Sheets

"Restoring Sexual Sanity" – by Randy Alcor

"You’re Teaching My Child What?" – by Dr. Miriam Grossman

"The Failure of Sex Education in the Church" – by Linda Bartlett

"Kissed The Girls and Made Them Cry" – by Lisa Bevere

"Every Man’s Challenge" – by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker and Mike Yorkey

"Create in Me a Pure Heart: Answers for Struggling Women" – by Steve and Kathy Gallagher

"At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry"  – by Steve Gallagher

           Other References

"Freedom on the Altar: The UN's Crusade Against God and Family" - by William Grigg

"Foundations: Their Power and Influence" - by Rene Wormser

The Song of Songs Concordia Commentary – by Dr. Christopher Mitchell

Healing Life’s Deepest Hurts  (dealing with Sexual Abuse)– by Edward M. Smith 

Gays: In or Out? Military Necessity & Homosexuality – by Col. Ron Ray of RSVP America

"Getting It Straight - What the Research Shows about Homosexuality" – by Peter Sprigg of Family Research Council of America

"Forgetting How to Blush:  United Methodism’s Compromise with the Sexual Revolution"  – By Karen Booth

"Sex Matters- Men Winning the Battle" - by Waylan Ward